Join ACC's Geriatric Cardiology Member Section at the Geriatric Cardiology Section Meet-Up for networking and updates in the field. The meet-up will take place during ACC.25 on Saturday, March 29, from 2:30-3:30 p.m. CT in the Lounge & Learn Pavillion, Meet-Up Zone 2. Encourage your colleagues to attend – all ACC members are welcome to attend and learn more about the section. Register today!

JACC Advances

JACC: Advances Calls For Papers on CV Aging

February 4, 2025
JACC Family of Journals

The JACC: Advances editorial team is calling for papers for a special focus issue on cardiovascular aging. The issue will focus on outcomes, therapies and health system strategies to address the cardiovascular care of an increasingly aging population. Submissions are due by May 15 – learn more and share your science today!


Join your colleagues at ACC.25, taking place March 29-31, 2025, in Chicago, IL, and get the knowledge you need to transform cardiovascular care for all! You'll have the opportunity to discuss the latest science with top experts, learn how clinical guidelines translate into your daily practice, and build lasting connections with your peers. Register by Nov. 20 to SAVE up to $300 with early bird discounts and get all-inclusive access to ACC.25!


The ACC is currently accepting submissions of abstracts, complex clinical cases and interventional challenging cases to be presented at ACC.25, taking place March 29-31, 2025, in Chicago, IL. Submit your research for a chance to transform the future of cardiovascular care by sharing your research with over 12,000 attendees from more than 130 countries. The deadline for all submissions is 1 p.m. ET on Tuesday, Oct. 1. Don't miss your chance to be part of ACC.25 — submit your abstract or case today!


In a recent JACC article, Ashok Krishnaswami, MBBS, FACC, explains his reasoning for taking a yearlong sabbatical to train as a geriatrics fellow. He shares his experience and emphasizes the need for a comprehensive geriatric assessment for older adults. He also explains the crucial importance of redefining "aging" past mere chronological counting and incorporating new techniques to inform a cardiologist's decision-making. Read more. In a response article, Karen P. Alexander, MD, FACC, commends Krishnaswami for his efforts to "gain new perspectives and deepen his knowledge of geriatrics." She adds that "Dr. Krishnaswami's dispatches from geriatric fellowship are guideposts for this continuing journey in geriatric cardiology: multi-disciplinary care and technology."


Network with colleagues, learn about the latest section activities and hear from Clin-Star funded Distinguished Professor Malaz A. Boustani, MD, MPH, on incorporating implementation science into your work at the Geriatric Cardiology Section Meeting at ACC.24. Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights, connect with key leaders and be inspired to improve the lives of older adults. Light refreshments will be served. The event will take place on Saturday, April 6 at 2:30 p.m. ET at Omni Atlanta at Centennial Park in the Maple Room. Reserve your spot today.

Deadline Conceptual Image

Are you a cardiologist, surgeon or doctorate-level educated researcher interested in participating as an investigator and leader in cardiovascular clinical trials research? Apply by Friday, Jan. 12 to join the next cohort of the Clinical Trials Research Program and gain the tools you need to advance your career in clinical trial research. Selected participants will receive support for travel expenses and will be invited to write and submit an original research proposal to be considered for a one-year research award. Learn more and apply.


National Hospice and Palliative Care Month

November 20, 2023

This month, we reflect on the support palliative care can provide to patients with advanced heart disease. Along with advance care planning and symptom management, palliative care can alleviate psychological and existential distress and promote better quality of life.

Zoom Meeting; Conceptual Image

Access Free Palliative Care Education

November 7, 2022
Educational Opportunities

November is National Hospice and Palliative Care Month. ACC's Palliative Care for the Cardiovascular Clinician online course brings together resources in a dynamic, case-based format. Earn up to 20.5 continuing education credits as you increase your comfort with advance care planning and symptom management for your patients with serious illness.

Mentor Mentee; Conceptual Image

ACC’s Geriatric Cardiology Section invites you to join the authors of the REHAB-HF trial on Wednesday, Dec. 1 at 6 p.m. ET, to examine the importance of early rehabilitation among older adults hospitalized for acute decompensated heart failure.


Further research may be needed to better align diagnostic testing for cardiovascular disease (CVD) with the needs and priorities of an aging population, according to a perspective from ACC's Geriatric Cardiology Section Leadership Council published Sept. 21 in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

Geriatric Cardiology; Conceptual Image

Register For ACC’s Geriatric Section Case Study Presentations

September 24, 2020
Educational Opportunities

Join the ACC Geriatric and Interventional Cardiology Sections for case-based presentations, Oct. 15 at 7 p.m. ET, showing the many intersections between the care of the geriatric patient and interventional cardiology.

Cardiology Magazine, YOUR Member Magazine, August 2020

Team Up: Patient-Centered Geriatric Cardiology

August 26, 2020
Cardiology Magazine Highlights

The combination of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease in particular "is a real challenge because each individual problem is complex in its management and when you put them together it can be overwhelming for patients as well as clinicians," says Larry A. Allen, MD, MHS, FACC, in a recent Cardiology article.

Hospice, Palative Care; Conceptual Image

Could Taking Statins Prevent Dementia, Disability?

July 10, 2020
Quick Reads and Recommendations

The National Institute on Aging (NIA) has funded a major study to examine the overall benefits and risks of cholesterol-lowering drugs known as statins in adults age 75 or older without cardiovascular disease.

Virtual Meeting; Conceptual Image

The Geriatric Cardiology Section meeting at ACC’s Annual Scientific Session & Expo is our community’s culminating event each year. The necessary cancellation of ACC.20/WCC due to the pandemic may have meant that we weren’t able to meet in person, but the Section Leadership Council and Section members worked hard to take the best of the in-person meeting and translate it into a virtual event. We invite you to view the recording to hear from distinguished geriatrician and gerontologist George A. Kuchel, MD, FRCP, AGSF, FGSA, on the vulnerability of older adults to COVID-19; to explore the latest research in abstract presentations; to learn more about FIT and early career involvement in the Section; and much more!

Doctor with Elderly Patient; Conceptual Image

JACC: Heart Failure Publishes Special Issue on HF in the Elderly

December 2, 2019
JACC Family of Journals

The newest issue of JACC: Heart Failure brings together the latest research on heart failure in the elderly. Examining differences in treatment effects, treatment options, epidemiology, pathophysiology, risk factors and outcomes that are significant in the elderly population, this issue aims to grow the body of literature surrounding this important and emerging theme.

Patient Education; Conceptual Image

Celebrate Caregivers During National Family Caregivers Month

November 8, 2019
Quick Reads and Recommendations

Join the ACC in recognizing National Family Caregivers Month. Caregivers are an important part of the care team; however, caregiving is a complex responsibility, and the stress of being a caregiver can strain your own health.

Hospice, Palative Care; Conceptual Image

Acknowledge National Hospice and Palliative Care Month This November

November 8, 2019
Quick Reads and Recommendations

Join the ACC in recognizing National Hospice and Palliative Care Month this November to raise awareness about how important hospice and palliative care is to all ages. To help these patients know what to expect and better understand their health, ACC's CardioSmart team created a palliative care resource with information on how to plan for the future.

Volunteering; Conceptual Image

Sign Up For “Microvolunteer” Opportunities

October 28, 2019
Member Engagement Opportunities at the ACC

There are a lot of big ways to get involved with the College – being on a Section Leadership Council, participating on a taskforce or committee, or serving as faculty for a live course, to name a few. However, we know that not everyone has the time for some of these larger-scale commitments. That's why the ACC is excited to announce the launch of our Microvolunteering Platform.


ACC's Geriatric Cardiology Section, which includes a Palliative Care Work Group, has produced a variety of educational materials on palliative care to help all clinical cardiologists gain skills in this area.

Cardiology Magazine; July 2019

Check Out the July Issue of Cardiology; Your Member Magazine

July 23, 2019
Cardiology Magazine Highlights

Cardiology is the ACC's flagship member magazine — your member magazine — providing cardiovascular professionals with a comprehensive source for clinical and professional news. Find links to all of the July issue's articles and share on social media!

Cardiology Magazine Stock Image

By implementing principles of deprescribing into daily patient care as a key component of an appropriate prescribing spectrum, the cardiovascular clinical community may be able to improve medication safety and reduce adverse drug reactions, particularly among older adults, according to a perspective from ACC's Geriatric Cardiology Council published May 20 in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

Cardiology Magazine, Sept. 2018

The September 2018 issue of Cardiology, YOUR member magazine, is now live! Cardiology provides cardiovascular professionals with comprehensive clinical, professional and health policy news; feature-length articles on the top trends and innovations in cardiovascular medicine; expert commentary from leaders in the cardiovascular field; quick-read summaries of the latest research from the JACC Journals and other major cardiovascular journals; profiles of ACC members, like you; and so much more!

ACC.19 Update

ACC Members, ACC.19 Registration is Now Open!

September 12, 2018

ACC.19 registration is NOW OPEN exclusively for ACC members. Nonmember registration will open Wednesday, Sept. 26. Register early for the lowest rates and best selection of hotel rooms!

ACC Member Section Thumbnail Image

JACC CV Health Promotion Series Address Top 8 Risk Factors

September 7, 2018
JACC Family of Journals

A series of eight state-of-the-art reviews is now publishing in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC). One review is publishing each week, examining the top risk factors affecting the cardiovascular health of patients: diet, tobacco, lipid control/cholesterol, blood pressure, psychological health, weight, physical activity and blood sugar.

Tina Varghese, MD

Feature | Why I Chose Preventive Cardiology

August 23, 2018
Feature Article

On Valentine’s Day 1994, I was 5 years old and carefully crafting a card for my grandparents in art class. I remember gluing a white lace heart onto a red sheet of construction paper, excited to share my masterpiece. My grandfather picked me up from the bus stop that afternoon. Once home, he held his chest and reported pain. He tragically died in route to the hospital from a massive myocardial infarction at the age of 61. While I cannot recall if my grandfather’s early death was the impetus for my longstanding aspiration to become a cardiologist, it undoubtedly influenced my interest in preventive cardiology.

Cardiology Magazine August 2018

The August 2018 issue of Cardiology, YOUR member magazine, is now live! Cardiology provides cardiovascular professionals with comprehensive clinical, professional and health policy news; feature-length articles on the top trends and innovations in cardiovascular medicine; expert commentary from leaders in the cardiovascular field; quick-read summaries of the latest research from the JACC Journals and other major cardiovascular journals; profiles of ACC members, like you; and so much more!

Cardiology Magazine Stock Image

In a recent Leadership Page published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Andrew P. Miller, MD, FACC, ACC secretary and chair of the ACC Board of Governors; Mathew Maurer, MD, FACC, immediate-past chair of the ACC Geriatric Cardiology Section Leadership Council; and Karen P. Alexander, MD, FACC, chair of the Council, discuss the evolution of geriatric cardiology at the College and how the Council plans to align with the goals of the upcoming strategic plan.

Member Benefits

By embracing a domain-management approach that addresses unique multidimensional needs and vulnerabilities, clinicians may improve health outcomes for older adults with heart failure (HF), according to an ACC Geriatric Council Perspective published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

Join Us

ACC’s Geriatric Cardiology Section has secured funding from the George F. and Ann Harris Bellows Foundation to support cardiology applicants for the Grants for Early Medical and Surgical Subspecialists’ Transition to Aging Research (GEMSSTAR) program.

Member Benefits

Palliative care, which focuses on managing symptoms such as pain or shortness of breath, can be provided by any member of the health care team and improve a patient’s quality of life.

Member Benefits

Heart disease is the most frequent condition in older adults and the leading cause of death. For people older than 75, high blood pressure is the most common heart condition, followed by coronary artery disease and heart failure. To help these patients better manage their health, ACC’s CardioSmart team has created an infographic with health tips for older adults.

Join Us

A recent “Number Check” article published in Cardiology magazine provides statistics on older adults and their health. The numbers cover topics on weight loss, decision-making, medications and more.


Leave room on your ACC.18 schedule for the Geriatric Cardiology Section meeting on Sunday, March 11. The Section will meet from 4:45 – 6:15 p.m. ET at the Hyatt Regency Orlando to review recent Section accomplishments, look forward to 2018 initiatives and discuss opportunities for involvement.


In the latest ACC Cardiology Hour, Valentin Fuster, MD, PhD, MACC, is joined by Deepak L. Bhatt, MD, MPH, FACC; Rachel J. Lampert, MD, FACC; Prediman K. Shah, MD, MACC; and Chadwick W. Stouffer, MD, in a roundtable discussion of the hottest trials from AHA 2017 in Anaheim, CA. Among the trials discussed are DACAB, CANVAS, EXSCEL, POISE-2 and more.

Member Benefits

The ACC, along with the American Heart Association and the Heart Rhythm Society, have published new guidelines for the treatment of adult patients with ventricular arrhythmias (VA) or who are at risk for sudden cardiac death. The new guidelines replace the 2006 ACC/AHA/SC Guidelines for Management of Patients With Ventricular Arrhythmias and the Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death and provide recommendations regarding general evaluation of patients with documented or suspected VA; treatments, therapies and prevention of VA; acute management of specific VA; and VA in the structurally normal heart.

Join Us

In conjunction with the ACC Committee Nominations cycle, the College’s Membership Committee is now accepting applications through Sept. 22. The Membership Committee was established as part of the 2015 College’s governance transformation and serves as standing committee of the College, reporting directly to the Board of Trustees.

Cardiology August 2017

The August 2017 issue of Cardiology, ACC’s flagship member magazine, is now live! Cardiology provides cardiovascular professionals with comprehensive clinical, professional and health policy news; feature-length articles on the top trends and innovations in cardiovascular medicine; expert commentary from leaders in the cardiovascular field; quick-read summaries of the latest research from the JACC Journals and other major cardiovascular journals; profiles of ACC members, like you; and so much more!

Cardiology Magazine, July 2017

The July 2017 issue of Cardiology, ACC’s flagship member magazine, is now live! Cardiology provides cardiovascular professionals with comprehensive clinical, professional and health policy news; feature-length articles on the top trends and innovations in cardiovascular medicine; expert commentary from leaders in the cardiovascular field; quick-read summaries of the latest research from the JACC Journals and other major cardiovascular journals; profiles of ACC members, like you; and so much more!


The ACC is seeking qualified candidates to serve as vice chair of the Annual Scientific Session for a two-year term of office for ACC.19 and ACC.20, moving on to assume another two-year term as chair of ACC.21 and ACC.22.


By Karen P. Alexander, MD, FACC, chair of ACC’s Geriatric Section, and Timothy F. Feltes, MD, FACC, chair of ACC's Adult Congenital and Pediatric Cardiology Section. We recently attended a National Institutes of Health (NIH)-sponsored workshop titled, Inclusion Across the Lifespan, on behalf of the ACC.


In a recent Editor’s Page published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC), Editor-in-Chief Valentin Fuster, MD, PhD, MACC, discusses the health care challenges that will arise worldwide over the coming decades due to an aging population. Forward-thinking countries are developing strategies to combat this problem.


The June 2017 issue of Cardiology, ACC’s flagship member magazine, is now live! Cardiology provides cardiovascular professionals with comprehensive clinical, professional and health policy news; feature-length articles on the top trends and innovations in cardiovascular medicine; expert commentary from leaders in the cardiovascular field; quick-read summaries of the latest research from the JACC Journals and other major cardiovascular journals; profiles of ACC members, like you; and so much more!

Join Us

The ACC is accepting public comments on geriatric data elements for suggested use across NCDR registries. An expert panel identified a set of core data elements to characterize the elderly beyond chronologic age and highlight competing risks and unique aspects of their care.


Attending ACC.17? Join us for the All-Section Meeting & Reception at ACC.17! The event happening THIS Saturday, March 18, 2017 from 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. at the Marriott Marquis will give you a chance to learn more about what ACC's 19+ Member Sections are working to accomplish and to connect with members in your specialty or interest areas.


If you'll be at ACC.17 this weekend, make room on your calendar for the Geriatric Cardiology Section Meeting taking place this Saturday from 4:45 – 6:00 p.m. at the Renaissance hotel. Network with your peers and learn about Section accomplishments and goals, as well as ways you can get involved. RSVP now.

Caroline Lloyd Doherty, AGACNP-BC, AACC

It wasn't too long ago that I equated consulting the palliative care team with consulting the hospice team. When a patient was not a candidate for a procedure, someone should have a 'goals of care' discussion including the possibility of hospice. Now, having done a post-masters in palliative care, I understand that palliative care and hospice are very different. It's no wonder that patients and families are unclear about the differences, when many clinicians are uncertain as well.

James Kirkpatrick

I was the lead author on a research letter recently published in JAMA Internal Medicine that was conducted by the ACC Geriatric Cardiology Section’s Palliative Care Working Group and was endorsed by the leadership of the ACC.


In a recent Expert Analysis, Esther Pak, MD, and James N. Kirkpatrick, MD, FACC, discuss care options for patients with end-stage cardiovascular disease. “Palliative care provides symptom management, psychosocial support, and facilitation of shared decision making.


There is a critical need for more large, population-based studies and clinical trials that include adults older than 75 years with complex comorbidities and other issues, according to a scientific statement released April 11 by the ACC, in conjunction with the American Heart Association (AHA) and the American Geriatrics Society, and published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

Best of

As more baby boomers age, the growing number of older adults has created a major demographic imperative. It is estimated that by 2030 the number of older adults – individuals age 65 and older – will have doubled. This huge population shift is of particular significance to cardiologists as aging is the most potent risk factor for cardiovascular diseases.

Journal of the American College of Cardiology

A distinctive geriatric cardiology subspecialty is needed to respond to the complex and unique cardiovascular needs of aging patients, according to a Council Perspective recently published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology. The recommendation of a more robust geriatric cardiology subspecialty is the result of ACC’s Geriatric Cardiology Member Section’s examination of the future of geriatric cardiology and the evolution of the subspecialty.


In a recent Expert Analysis, Ankur Kalra, MD, and Barry J. Maron, MD, FACC, explore hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in patients of advanced age, including the risk of sudden death in older hypertrophic cardiomyopathy patients. “Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy patients of advanced age are more likely to die of non-cardiac competing morbidities than of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.


In two recent Expert Analysis articles published on, Lydia R. Engwenyu, MD, and Luis A. Guzman, MD, FACC, defend the need to move to a comprehensive assessment of the geriatric population with aortic stenosis (AS). In their first Expert Analysis article on cardiac conditions in geriatric patients with AS, they say, “AS is a disease mainly affecting the elderly, and definitive management requires procedural intervention.

ACC Member Publications

The cover story in a recent issue of Cardiology magazine provides an in-depth look at big data and its implications on the future of medicine. It also features an article about the CardioEncounters program, a new approach to patient-clinician interactions, and includes an exclusive interview with the new U.S. Food and Drug Administration Commissioner for Medical Products and Tobacco Robert Califf, MD, MACC.


On February 9-10, 2015, the American College of Cardiology (ACC), in collaboration with the American Geriatrics Society (AGS) and National Institute on Aging (NIA), convened a Workshop at ACC’s Heart House in Washington, DC, focusing on the complex issues involved in caring for older adults with CVD and multiple coexisting conditions.