About the CV Team Advanced Practice Nurses Work Group

Cardiology Magazine ImageSarah Slone, PhD, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC
Co-Chair, CV Team APRN Work Group
Cardiology Magazine ImageCarla Weidner, DNP, FNP-BC,CLS, FNLA, FACC
Co-Chair, CV Team APRN Work Group

The Advanced Practice Nurses Work Group provides guidance to the CV Team Section Leadership Council on issues impacting the profession. Representing nurse practitioners and clinical nurse specialists, the work group informs the Advocacy Work Group on policy issues that impacts APRON practice. The work group supports the efforts of the Membership Work Group by encouraging engagement in the College – improving retention among APRNs.

Interested in being involved with this work group? Please contact Ami Ruffin at aruffin@acc.org.