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Eat Food, Not Too Much, Mostly Plants: Nutrition and CVD

If there were a pill that could lower blood pressure, lower LDL cholesterol, improve erectile function and lower cardiovascular risk, would you take it? Good, because we already have it, and it comes pre-packaged in plant-based foods.

In this interview, Robert Ostfeld MD, MSc, FACC and Alison L. Bailey, MD FACC explore the vital link between nutrition and cardiovascular health.

Related References:

  1. Arnett, D. K., Blumenthal, R. S., Albert, M. A., Buroker, A. B., Goldberger, Z. D., Hahn, E. J., Himmelfarb, C. D., Khera, A., Lloyd-Jones, D., McEvoy, J. W., Michos, E. D., Miedema, M. D., Muñoz, D., Smith, S. C., Jr, Virani, S. S., Williams, K. A., Sr, Yeboah, J., & Ziaeian, B. (2019). 2019 ACC/AHA Guideline on the Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease: A Report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines. Circulation, 140(11), e596–e646.
  2. Bundy, J. D., Zhu, Z., Ning, H., Zhong, V. W., Paluch, A. E., Wilkins, J. T., Lloyd-Jones, D. M., Whelton, P. K., He, J., & Allen, N. B. (2021). Estimated Impact of Achieving Optimal Cardiovascular Health Among US Adults on Cardiovascular Disease Events. Journal of the American Heart Association, 10(7), e019681.
  3. Wang, D. D., Li, Y., Bhupathiraju, S. N., Rosner, B. A., Sun, Q., Giovannucci, E. L., Rimm, E. B., Manson, J. E., Willett, W. C., Stampfer, M. J., & Hu, F. B. (2021). Fruit and Vegetable Intake and Mortality: Results From 2 Prospective Cohort Studies of US Men and Women and a Meta-Analysis of 26 Cohort Studies. Circulation, 143(17), 1642–1654.

Clinical Topics: Prevention, Diet, Dyslipidemia

Keywords: ACCELLite, Diet, ACC24

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