ManageMRManageMR provides clinicians with personalized referral and treatment intervention advice for patients diagnosed with mitral regurgitation, based on the severity and etiology of the MR.

  • Enter patient parameters from an echo assessment.
  • Review customized advice on
    • Probable severity and etiology of a patient's MR
    • Need for referral
    • Treatment intervention next steps

Email a report of assessments conducted within the app.

ManageMR is part of ACC's ManageMR Toolkit. Content from this toolkit is derived from the 2020 Focused Update of the 2017 ACC Expert Consensus Decision Pathway on the Management of Mitral Regurgitation. The information and advice contained in the tools are meant to support clinical decision making. They are not meant to represent the only or best course of care, or replace clinical judgment. Therapeutic options should be determined after discussion between the patient and their care provider.

The ManageMR Toolkit was supported by Founding Sponsor Abbott Vascular.

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