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AED Access, Cardiomyopathy and Congenital Heart Defect Legislation Advances Ahead of ACC Legislative Conference

The U.S. House of Representatives passed two significant pieces of cardiovascular legislation on Sept. 23 – the Cardiomyopathy Health, Education, Awareness, Research, and Training in Schools (HEARTS) Act (H.R. 6829) and the Congenital Heart Futures Reauthorization Act of 2024 (H.R. 7189). Both ACC-supported bills aim to improve access to life-saving AEDs and increase awareness and research of critical heart conditions and are key priorities for the upcoming ACC Legislative Conference 2024 in Washington, DC, from Sept. 29-Oct. 1.

“These bills are a huge step forward for heart health and ACC Advocacy was instrumental in getting them passed in the House,” said ACC Health Affairs Committee Chair William A. Van Decker, MD, FACC. “Through meetings with lawmakers and strong grassroots engagement, we helped push these initiatives forward. Now, we look ahead to the Senate, where we’ll continue our efforts to ensure these bills become law.”

The HEARTS Act looks to expand access to AEDs in schools and community centers, like another ACC priority bill: the Access to AEDs Act (H.R. 2370/S. 1024). It also focuses on cardiomyopathy awareness, promoting early detection and education to prevent sudden cardiac events, particularly among student athletes.

The Congenital Heart Futures Reauthorization Act extends critical funding for research and public health efforts related to congenital heart defects. This bill ensures that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention can continue supporting research, surveillance and treatment for congenital heart defects.

With the advancement of these two critical pieces of legislation, ACC Legislative Conference participants will be well-positioned to advocate for further progress on both bills in the U.S. Senate and push for additional support for the Access to AEDs Act, under consideration in both chambers of Congress.

ACC Advocacy staff will continue to track the progress of these bills and provide updates. ACC members can take action by writing to their lawmakers through ACC Action Alerts.


Keywords: ACC Advocacy, Cardiovascular Diseases, Health Education