ACC.21 FIT Jeopardy: Battle of the State Chapters Semifinal Teams Announced

The FIT Jeopardy semifinalists are set! Promising young physicians representing nine states will go head-to-head during ACC.21 on Saturday, May 15, at 10:30 a.m. ET.

The winners advance to the FIT Jeopardy finals, streaming live on Sunday, May 16, at 3:30 p.m. ET.

Now in its sixth year, FIT Jeopardy: Battle of the State Chapters has become one of ACC's most popular annual events, providing young members with a chance to test their clinical knowledge and get engaged with the College in an entertaining, friendly competition.

Join us in congratulating the semifinalists on social media using #ACC21 and #ACCFIT!

Semifinal 1:

Shiv Bagga, MD
Maiwand Mirwais, MD
Sonu Abraham, MD

Aurn Kahlon, MD
Thomas O'Connell, MD
Travis Tagami, MD

William Marshall, MD
Jeremy Slivnick, MD
Alexander Meyer, MD

Cory Madigan, MD
Robert Hull, MD
Shay Gabasha, MD

Semifinal 2:

Maggie Ning, MD
Neil Kalwani, MD
Ashish Sarraju, MD

Kristopher Pfirman, MD
Saif Al Qaisi, MD
Megan Smith, MD

Tom Hu, MD
David Kerbl, MD
Amir Abdoly, MD

Xu Gao, MD
Leann Denlinger, MD
Ben Ruth, MD

West Virginia
Moinuddin Syed, MD
Pratik Agrawal, MD
Dipesh Ludhwani, MD

Keywords: ACC Annual Scientific Session, Social Media, Knowledge, Universities, Leisure Activities, Physicians, ACC21

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