ACC, SBC Address Role of Women in Cardiovascular Practice, Research in Brazil

More than 2,000 people convened virtually on Saturday, July 18 for the "Women of the Heart" virtual event hosted by the ACC and the Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia (SBC). The live webinar focused on the challenges facing female cardiologists in Brazil as well as women's increased role in leading cardiovascular research in the region.

ACC President Athena Poppas, MD, FACC, ACC Board of Trustees member Roxana Mehran, MD, FACC, ACC Vice President Dipti Itchhaporia, MD, FACC, and pioneering female cardiologist Nanette Wenger, joined inspiring female cardiovascular leaders in Brazil to address topics ranging from how to live with COVID-19 to mentorship.

During her talk about strategic leadership and supporting women in medicine, Poppas stressed that "women absolutely deserve to be in leadership positions," but noted that "women tend to wait until they're a perfect candidate to apply for a role." Mehran unpacked specific challenges facing women in cardiology, including sexism, and offered potential solutions for the short and long term. "Women in cardiology need to be heard, seen, promoted and valued," she said. "Having women leaders at the table energizes other women to join us and brings us all forward."

This concept of working together and mentorship was a common theme across many of the sessions. Itchhaporia highlighted studies demonstrating increased retention rates and more success in promotion and obtaining research grants for women who have mentors. "In Brazil, the cardiology specialty is only 30% women," said Gláucia Maria Moraes de Oliveira, MD, FACC. "More mentorship is an exciting concept." Moraes de Oliveira was instrumental in the first Women of the Heart event and was on the planning committee for this second event.

In addition to the live sessions, female researchers had the opportunity to submit and present new cardiovascular science to webinar participants to highlight the increasing participation of women in Brazilian scientific research.

Learn more about the event and view posters here. View #ACCIntl on Twitter for live coverage. This webinar was the first in a monthly virtual series with SBC, with future topics addressing heart failure and cardio-oncology.

Keywords: ACC International, Coronavirus, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, Leadership, Brazil, COVID-19

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