New ACC Transcatheter Valve Certification Launches

Certification uses STS/ACC TVT Registry to help hospitals identify quality improvement opportunities, optimize outcomes

The ACC has launched a new Transcatheter Valve Certification to help hospitals performing transcatheter valve repair and replacement implement best practices and identify quality improvement opportunities.

ACC's Transcatheter Valve Certification is an external review and certification process that will guide hospitals in meeting standards for multidisciplinary teams, formalized training, shared decision-making and registry performance. Hospitals must participate in an established national clinical database, such as the STS/ACC TVT Registry, to achieve the Transcatheter Valve Certification. The certification will use established national clinical measure data to support clinical decisions and link process improvement to patient outcomes. Hospitals that achieve Transcatheter Valve Certification will learn best practices for implementing evidence-based medicine and will be able to track key performance metrics to better identify opportunities for improvement.

"ACC's Transcatheter Valve Certification tool merges the latest science and process improvement methodologies," says Phillip D. Levy, MD, FACC, chair of the ACC Accreditation Management Board. "This certification incorporates recent guidelines and expert consensus statements regarding the care of patients requiring transcatheter valve therapies."

Learn more about the Transcatheter Valve Certification and other accreditations available through ACC Accreditation Services at

Keywords: Quality Improvement, Accreditation, Certification, Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement, Registries, National Cardiovascular Data Registries, STS/ACC TVT Registry, Patient Care Team

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