The Year in Review and the Year Yet to Come for the Congenital Heart Disease and Pediatric Cardiology Clinical Topic Collection

We are on the threshold of the fourth year of the Congenital Heart Disease and Pediatric Cardiology Clinical Topic Collection on It has been an exciting year! As the professional home for the congenital and pediatric cardiology cardiovascular team, we strive to provide a curated collection we hope you find relevant to your clinical practice.

The unexpected death of a young person, especially if thought to be previously well, is always a devastating, blind-siding event. In 2018, we focused on Journal Scans and Expert Analyses discussing our current understanding of the etiologies of sudden death in adolescent and young adult athletes, cardiac screening prior to sports participation, event risk in children with WPW syndrome, genetic analysis in sudden infant death syndrome and the utility of ICDs in children. We also featured a Patient Case Quiz illustrating an unusual presentation of a coronary anomaly.

State of the art technology and advancements in our field were also featured, including 3D printing, mechanical support in CHD, and ventricular assist devices in pediatric patients. In these rapidly changing times, resource utilization and diversity in the pediatric cardiology workforce were also important topics discussed.

Other items of interest include management of adults with treated congenital heart disease, special problems related to pregnancy, and long-term complications of therapy for CHD, including the risk for malignancy. We also featured a success story: an adult survivor of CHD who overcame all odds to become an Olympic medalist!

In 2019, we hope to continue to bring you up-to-date information relevant to our field. We look forward to working with the American Board of Pediatrics to enable ACC members to earn MOC credit with periodic questions. Aiming for robust and relevant offerings, Dr. Tim Feltes and the ACPC Leadership Council have identified Dr. Frank Ing in the lead role for this worthwhile endeavor. Please be on the lookout for these new and exciting things to come.

We are happy and proud that many have volunteered content for publishing on our website. Please contact Beverly Vandenburg at to propose topics for discussion or submit interesting cases for digital publication.

We are honored to be the digital home for the ACPC section and to serve the needs of its growing membership. On behalf of Tim Feltes, MD, FACC, Chair of the ACPC Council, and Ami B. Bhatt, MD, FACC and Robert "Jake" D.B. Jaquiss, MD, FACC, Associate Editorial Team Leads of the Congenital Heart Disease and Pediatric Cardiology Clinical Topic Collection, we are grateful for your continued interest. Happy New Year!

Clinical Topics: Congenital Heart Disease and Pediatric Cardiology, Congenital Heart Disease

Keywords: Heart Defects, Congenital, Pediatrics

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