Deep Dive: ACC Comments on Changes to E/M Services, QPP and AUC in 2019 Proposed PFS Rule
On Sept. 6, the ACC submitted comments to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) on the 2019 Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) proposed rule. The College's comments address many important proposals but devote special attention to documentation changes to evaluation and management (E/M) visits, updates to the Quality Payment Program (QPP) and the appropriate use criteria (AUC) program for advanced imaging, among other key areas. Below is a further breakdown of ACC feedback on the proposed changes to those key areas. CMS will post the final rule by Nov. 2.
Changes to Evaluation and Management (E/M) Visits
The 2019 proposed rule outlines an array of changes to documentation standards, payment policies and payment rates for the office or other outpatient E/M services reported with CPT codes 99202-99205 for new patient visits and 99212-99215 for established patient visits (Levels 2 – 5). CMS proposes to allow practitioners to document for these visits using Medical decision-making or time, while still allowing the use of the current E/M guidelines.
CMS also proposes to eliminate additional documentation requirements to justify provision of a home visit instead of an office visit and to eliminate the existing prohibition on practitioners in the same group and specialty billing for E/M visits on the same day. This new documentation flexibility is paired with payment changes that include an E/M multiple procedure payment reduction, a single, weighted payment rate for all levels of both new and existing patient visits, new G-code add-ons to recognize the added complexity of primary care and some specialty care, new G-code add-ons for podiatric E/M visits and prolonged face-to-face services, and a technical modification to the practice expense (PE) methodology to adjust indirect PE for E/M visit services. The ACC recommends that CMS not finalize this package of proposals in their entirety for implementation on Jan. 1, 2019.
View the College's comments breaking down complications, anticipated consequences and unintended consequences to justify this stance in the list below:
Simplifying Documentation
Simplifying Documentation
The ACC commends CMS' efforts to remove obstacles to care and support professional well-being through its "Patients Over Paperwork" initiative. However, the College fears the current slate of proposals would have unintended negative repercussions. Therefore, the ACC urges CMS not to finalize this package of proposals in its entirety for implementation on Jan. 1, 2019. Instead, the ACC urges CMS to finalize the following documentation proposals while engaging with the medical community to work through the complicated and granular issues regarding accurate documentation, coding and payment for different levels of E/M visits.
Simplifying Payment Amounts
Simplifying Payment Amounts
CMS proposes to implement a single payment amount for new patients at a level between the current payments for 99203 and 99204, and a single payment for existing patients between the amounts for 99213 and 99214. However, believing that payment amount to be inadequate for clinicians who commonly bill higher levels of E/M services due to the complexity of primary or specialty services, CMS proposed additional add-on codes for primary care-type services and specialty-care type services. To further allow clinicians to capture the work of complex patients, CMS proposed another add-on code for 30 minutes of prolonged services.
CMS proposed "an E/M multiple procedure payment adjustment to account for duplicative resource costs when E/M visits and procedures with global periods are furnished together," that would reduce the payment by 50 percent for the least expensive procedure or visit that the same physician (or a physician in the same group practice) furnishes on the same day as a separately identifiable E/M visit, currently identified on the claim by appending modifier 25. The ACC disagrees with this premise and urges CMS not to finalize its E/M multiple procedure payment reduction proposal for several reasons. |
Quality Payment Program: Year 3
In reviewing the comments provided in the following sections, the College requests that CMS prevent the QPP from being an administrative burden on clinicians, particularly those who are solo practitioners or in small practices; balance the need for flexibility along with the ability to offer true incentives to those who deliver exceptional quality patient care; provide all clinicians with a selection of clinically.
Merit-Based Incentive Payment System
Merit-Based Incentive Payment System
Quality Performance Category Measures and Activities
Quality Performance Category Measures and Activities
Cost Performance Category
Cost Performance Category
Improvement Activities Performance Category
Improvement Activities Performance Category
The ACC supports CMS' proposal to assign all Improvement Activities using certified electronic health record technology (CEHRT) as high-weight Improvement Activities, particularly in light of the proposal to eliminate the Promoting Interoperability bonus awarded for participating in an Improvement Activity using CEHRT. CMS should seek further ways to incentivize clinicians for their use of CEHRT. |
Promoting Interoperability Performance Category
Promoting Interoperability Performance Category
By acknowledging the shortcomings of previous efforts to encourage EHR adoption through prescriptive rulemaking, CMS is making significant strides towards achieving true interoperability. ACC applauds CMS for its work with the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC) aligning reporting requirements across care settings, eliminating redundancies and streamlining objectives and measures regardless of the program in which a clinician participates. While heartened by the steps taken in the proposed rule, the ACC encourages CMS to use the Promoting Interoperability (PI) program to promote the appropriate, purposeful and accurate use of health IT solutions, rather than mandate completion of tasks.
MIPS Final Score Methodology
MIPS Final Score Methodolog
Qualified Clinical Data Registries (QCDRs)
Qualified Clinical Data Registries (QCDRs)
Advanced Alternative Payment Models (Advanced APMs)
Advanced Alternative Payment Models (Advanced APMs)
The ACC acknowledges CMS' interest in moving toward Advanced APMs that encourage clinicians to coordinate care for a population under a two-sided risk model. The College is encouraged by the Bundled Payments for Care Improvement Advanced model that will provide opportunities for cardiologists and other specialist clinicians to participate in an Advanced APM. CMS should continue to develop Advanced APMs that provide opportunities for specialist clinicians to meaningfully participate. Additionally, ACC reiterates the request that CMS work with Congress to reduce the payment and patient thresholds for Qualified Provider determination per the MACRA statute.
Appropriate Use Criteria for Advanced Diagnostic Imaging Services
The College commends the work done by CMS to implement the appropriate use criteria (AUC) program and engage stakeholders throughout the process. Following continued evaluation, the ACC has determined that accomplishing the goals of the AUC program through existing programs, such as the QPP, presents a less burdensome approach to both clinicians and the agency. As designed, the MIPS and Advanced APM pathways of the QPP provide ways to measure clinicians on the quality and cost of care. CMS has already designated AUC consultation through a clinical decision support mechanism (CDSM) as an Improvement Activity under MIPS, and there are several quality measures based on AUC available for the Quality category.
The ACC recognizes that fully aligning the AUC program under the QPP requires action by Congress, as well as refinements through the rulemaking process. As the ACC looks forward to engaging CMS in this discussion, the College recognizes that absent a change to the statutory requirement created under the Protecting Access to Medicare Act of 2014, the agency must continue to work toward implementation of a separate AUC program.
View the College's comments on the AUC program, should it begin in 2020, in the list below:
Consultations by Ordering Professionals
Consultations by Ordering Professionals
The ACC supports CMS' proposal to allow clinical staff working under the direction of the ordering professional to perform the consultation with AUC through a qualified CDSM, subject to applicable state licensure and scope of practice law. This approach recognizes the importance of team-based care, lessens the burden on ordering professionals, and should not diminish the ordering professional's interest and engagement in AUC, as all services ordered under their NPI will count toward determining outlier status. |
Reporting AUC Consultation Information
Reporting AUC Consultation Information
As with any new requirement, CMS must educate clinicians and their staff early on how to use new codes. The ACC recommends that CMS begin education in 2019, so clinicians can take full advantage of the 2020 educational year to begin submitting claims using the new codes. At the end of 2020, CMS should provide clinicians with reports stating whether they have been properly documenting AUC consultation on their claims submissions, as well as preliminary data on their adherence patterns to allow them to prepare for data collection in 2021. |
Significant Hardship Exception
Significant Hardship Exception
The College supports the implementation of a significant hardship exemption for clinicians who may have insufficient internet access, EHR or CDSM vendor issues, extreme and uncontrollable circumstances, lack of control over the availability of CEHRT, have been practicing for less than 2 years, and/or lack face-to-face patient interaction. |
Identification of Outliers
Identification of Outliers
Developing a valid and fair methodology requires a thorough consideration of how AUC are designed, the patient factors that may impact a clinician's ordering patterns and an understanding of other variables that may impact CMS' ability to identify true outliers. CMS must ensure that the methodology does not unintentionally result in the underutilization of advanced imaging services to Medicare beneficiaries.
Keywords: Quality Payment Program, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, U.S., Fee Schedules