JACC’s Expanded Offerings Provide Broad Appeal
The Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) continues to rank number one among all 124 cardiovascular journals in the world and is consistently rated the top benefit of ACC membership. Under Editor–in-Chief Valentin Fuster, MD, PhD, MACC, JACC has expanded its digital media offerings with a new mobile app and audio summary podcasts from Dr. Fuster, as well as added features like "Central Illustrations" for every manuscript and the "Fellows-in-Training and Early Career Page" in every other issue to further enhance the appeal of the Journal.
A recent JACC readership survey of 467 ACC domestic and international members finds that these efforts are paying off, with 94% of members overall indicating that they read JACC. More importantly, although members report that on average they read about four different clinical journals on a regular basis, JACC leads the pack on frequency of readership with more than 7 out of 10 clinicians (71%), noting that they read JACC at least weekly; New England Journal of Medicine is a close second with 68% weekly readership. Clinical utility (81%), education (73%) and teaching (53%) are among the top benefits of JACC noted by readers, with FACC members ranking clinical utility (85%) as their primary benefit, and Early Career professionals citing JACC as their top resource for education (85%).
In terms of topics covered by the Journal, acute coronary syndrome is identified as the most important clinical topic (75%), followed by heart failure (66%), coronary artery disease (65%) and atrial fibrillation (58%). These findings are similar to findings from a 2014 readership survey.
The majority of JACC readers (90%) consider guidelines and clinical statements to be the most important article types in the Journal. State-of-the-art reviews (85%) and review topics of the week (80%) garner high praises as well. Secondary manuscript types include original science papers (73%) and editorial comments (71%).
When asked about the Journal's features, readers overwhelmingly name clinical perspectives as the most useful feature (81%), particularly for cardiovascular team members. Central Illustrations rank second (57%), followed by audio summaries at 35%. International associates are most likely to find audio summaries valuable. Additionally, of the audio summary users, the majority say they listen from home (49%) or during transit (41%). Members are fairly evenly divided on how they access JACC, with more than half of readers (59%) accessing the Journal by computer. Another 52% say they read the print edition. Fellows in Training, Early Career professionals and International Associates are more likely to read the Journal online.
JACC's popularity, growing readership, and accolades show that it is a critical part of ACC members' professional growth and practice. In addition, it is apparent that its new digital offerings are helping to engage a wider audience. The College is using the results from the survey to guide development of additional features, as well as the new online home for JACC Journals that will debut in December 2016.
Learn more about JACC and the JACC family of journals at OnlineJACC.org.
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