Stronger Hearts Helpline
The Pulse of ACC | The National Forum for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention launched the Stronger Hearts™ Helpline in February for residents of San Bernardino County, CA, with heart failure. The helpline is a 24/7 free, bilingual call center that includes referrals to medical professionals, clinics and services like nutrition advice, educational information about heart failure and treatment, and transportation to doctor’s appointments and clinics. The Stronger Hearts Helpline was created with the help of the steering committee, including Clyde Yancy, MD, MACC; Inderjit Anand, MD, FACC; Keith Ferdinand, MD, FACC; Gregg C. Fonarow, MD, FACC; Steven Manoukian, MD, FACC; Frank W. Smart, MD, FACC; and Paul Underwood, MD, FACC. This initiative adds to the county’s existing 2-1-1 helpline, which is a resource for health and community information. San Bernardino County currently has the second-highest rate of heart failure treatment in California. Residents can access the hotline by dialing 2-1-1 or 888-435-7565.
Keywords: Cardiology Magazine, ACC Publications