MOC Part 4 activities address Self-Evaluation of Practice Assessment and engage physicians in an assessment of how their clinical practice compares with national benchmarks and encourages them to implement strategies to align with evidence-based guidelines. Use the links below to get the information and offerings you need to navigate Part 4. The ACC is approved as a Portfolio Program Sponsor through the ABMS Multi-Specialty Portfolio Approval Program and can now award Part 4 credit – creating a more streamlined and efficient credit-earning process for clinicians choosing to participate in MOC.

Resources for Completing Performance Improvement Activities

Use step-by-step instructions and supporting documents to complete performance improvement activities.

Performance Improvement Help

Still have questions? Contact ACC!

  • Phone: (202) 375-6000, ext. 5603 or (800) 253-4636, ext. 5603
  • E-mail: