ACC Young Scholars Program

The ACC Young Scholars Program is designed for high school and undergraduate students who are interested in a career in cardiology, science, or health care. Our goal is to provide an opportunity for promising young students, that would otherwise not have the opportunity, to learn more about the careers available in the cardiovascular science.

The year-long program provides participants with exposure to education, networking, research opportunities, and mentorship that is specific to careers in cardiovascular medicine.

About the Young Scholars Program

The Young Scholars program is an initiative of ACC's Academic Cardiology Member Section and local State Chapters that aims to provide promising young students with an introduction to the field of cardiology and strengthen the workforce of the future.

Following the virtual program kick off and Camp Cardiac, regularly scheduled webinars will continue throughout the year. Students will then be paired with a mentor of the ACC to learn, network, and grow as a future young professional.

Select students will have the opportunity to attend an in-person ACC conference to present their research, meet scientists and clinicians from around the world, sit in on sessions, and explore the Expo floor.

Program participants also have the opportunity to visit a local hospital or attend ACC State Chapter meetings throughout the year.*

Please contact Kristin Robertson at with any questions.

* The safety and well-being of Young Scholars is a priority of the ACC. All in-person activities and participation in connection with the Young Scholars Program are subject to the conditions in the relevant location at the time of the event, and the ACC reserves the right to determine that any or all in-person activities will be virtual upon notice to Young Scholars. If events are held in-person, Young Scholars are not required to attend ACC Conferences or State Chapter meetings in-person in order to participate in the Program. Students who are unable or uncomfortable traveling to in-person events are still encouraged to apply! The ACC is not responsible for and hereby disclaims any and all liability arising from in-person attendance at the Young Scholars Program. Any changes to the 2024-2025 ACC Young Scholars Program will be communicated to the selected program participants in a timely manner.

We are no longer accepting applications for the 2024-2025 Young Scholars Program. The ACC Young Scholars Program aligns with the academic school year. Please check back in early summer 2025 for program updates, including the application process and deadline dates.

Camp Cardiac
The Young Scholars Camp Cardiac is a two-day, in-person, event. It is an opportunity for all the young scholars to come together and learn basic, practical, hands-on skills such as CPR/AED training by the Red Cross and point of care ultrasound training. The students will receive an in depth look at cardiology, learn skills, and hear from several cardiovascular professionals about what their job is like.

Young Scholars Alumni at ACC.24 in Atlanta.

Young Scholars Describe Their Experience at ACC.22 in Washington, DC.

Cardiology Magazine Image ACC Young Scholars visit Tulane University Medical Center and Dr. Robert Hendel