It’s Just Heart Cath, They Said

Arasi Maran, MD, FACC

Mr. & Mrs. G come to the prep area
Hello, why are you here?
It's just a heart cath, they said

Told the kids to do their own thing
It's not a big deal.
Go on about your life
It's just a heart cath, they said

Take some pictures
See some blockages
Place some stents
All goes well, till it doesn't
Perforation, drop in blood pressure
Get a balloon, place a covered stent,
No blood pressure, start CPR
Intubate, drain the pericardium
Place an Impella
Whew, we got him back
It's just a heart cath, they said

Go to waiting room, see a woman
Sitting alone, anxious
Where is your family
They are ... not with me
It's just a heart cath, they said

My husband, the father of my children
How is he?
He is fine right?
It's just a heart cath, they said

It was perfect till it wasn't
It was magical till it became a nightmare
Call the children
In different parts of the country
One is driving
One is with her children
It's just a heart cath, they said

Is he fine?
Will he be ok?
Will the man I married,
Will our father - come back to us?
The way he used to be?
It's just a heart cath, they said

Time will tell
We were fast
We were efficient
There was no delay in treatment
The rest is up to nature

It's just a heart cath, they said

Till it isn't

Arasi Maran, MD, FACC

This article was experienced and written by Arasi Maran, MD, FACC, assistant professor in interventional cardiology at Medical University of South Carolina.

This content was developed independently from the content developed for This content was not reviewed by the American College of Cardiology (ACC) for medical accuracy and the content is provided on an "as is" basis. Inclusion on does not constitute a guarantee or endorsement by the ACC and ACC makes no warranty that the content is accurate, complete or error-free. The content is not a substitute for personalized medical advice and is not intended to be used as the sole basis for making individualized medical or health-related decisions. Statements or opinions expressed in this content reflect the views of the authors and do not reflect the official policy of ACC.

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