CardioSmart Debuts New Website For Patients, Clinicians

ACC's new CardioSmart website is designed to emphasize the value of the patient and clinician partnership to personalize care. With the goal of better connecting patients with their clinicians to prevent or treat heart disease, the new, provides information on heart conditions and trusted resources and tools to support important health conversations and foster a strong partnership.
"Our new website is user-friendly, for both health care professionals and patients. Clinicians can refer patients, and patients can effortlessly find the information they need to aid in making key health decisions," said Martha Gulati, MD, FACC, editor-in-chief of CardioSmart.
"We continue to evolve and develop the resources our members want for our patients, be an up-to-date reliable source for everyone and improve the ease with which everyone can access information, whether from a clinic setting or at home." Learn more.