Complete RUC Surveys to Help ACC

Surveys assessing the physician work necessary to perform (1) leadless pacemaker implantation and explantation, (2) pulmonary wireless monitor implantation and management and (3) pediatric thermodilution studies are being distributed to members throughout the month of October. If you are randomly selected and receive a survey, please take 15 – 30 minutes to thoughtfully complete it. Annual updates to the physician work relative values are based on recommendations from the Relative Value Scale Update Committee (RUC). The RUC is an expert panel of the American Medical Association (AMA) and specialty societies charged with developing relative value recommendations to Medicare. A key part of the RUC process is the completion of relative value surveys. Data from these surveys are used to establish the physician work that determines Medicare payment. The AMA has created a video to explain the purpose of the survey process and provide specific instructions to complete the survey accurately. Please contact James Vavricek at with any questions.