CV Team Members: Get Involved With the ACC

2018 ACC and NCDR Committee Nominations: Nominations for spots on ACC's major operating committees and NCDR subcommittees are open now until Friday, Sept. 22. ACC members are encouraged to review the open positions and may self-nominate or nominate a colleague on the Committee Nominations Portal. ACC's ongoing governance transformation has allowed for an increase in open committee positions to expand member involvement and provide additional opportunities for members to impact the work of the College. CV Team member applicants are strongly encouraged to read the ACC Leadership Competencies and specifically call-out the competencies they possess in their application. Applicants will be notified of results in January 2018. For questions or additional information, email For NCDR Committees, contact Again, the deadline for nominations is Friday, Sept. 22.

Leadership Academy – Cohort III: We are pleased to announce the call for nominations is now open for Cohort III of the ACC's Leadership Academy (domestic). This is a two-year leadership development program, designed to provide a broad understanding of leadership styles and skills. The curriculum is developed to provide emerging leaders with perspectives on critical leadership challenges. The curriculum also provides an awareness of concepts and techniques relevant to leading effectively within one's respective institution, and within the ACC. Program qualifications are as follows:

  • CV Team member (i.e. nurse, pharmacist, physician assistants, etc.) within their first seven years out of specialty education or training.
  • Active within a domestic or international chapter.
  • Active within at least one member-interest section.
  • Participated in at least one live program within previous twelve months (*included, but not limited to, the Annual Scientific Session, ACC educational course(s), ACC's Legislative Conference, etc.).

Leadership Academy – Cohort III will launch at ACC.18. Review the application materials. The deadline for applications is Sept. 30.