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ACC DocMatter Community

The ACC has partnered with DocMatter, a global medical community platform, to offer a new member benefit for ACC members. This partnership, which joins two organizations committed to improving patient care and outcomes, will create a community for high-quality, clinical discussions among ACC members.

This ACC-exclusive community will also allow for more open, in-depth discussions between members; from questions on cases to best practices, ACC members will now be able to connect with their peers easier than ever before.

With the ACC DocMatter Community, you can expect:

  • A secure, collaborative medical communityso you can freely have open, in-depth discussions with your peers.
  • A DocMatter Clinician Advocateto provide technical support as well as personalize your notifications, settings and overall experience of the community based on your specific clinical interests.

All ACC members have access to the new ACC DocMatter Community. Click below to start connecting with colleagues now.

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