Collaboration Between JACC and The Lancet Aims to Accelerate Sharing of CV Knowledge

"Advancing cardiovascular health for everyone is a priority that demands urgent and progressive evidence-based action," write JACC Editor-in-Chief Harlan M. Krumholz, MD, SM, FACC, The Lancet Editor-in-Chief Richard Horton and The Lancet Senior Editors Flávia Geraldes and Chloe Wilson, in a joint Editorial Comment outlining the new collaboration between the two journals.

As part of the partnership, JACC and The Lancet have implemented a fluid manuscript system intended to create synergy between the two journals and provide authors submitting manuscripts to either journal more options. Additionally, the collaboration aims to offer opportunities "for joint publications and participation in initiatives that promote professional development and knowledge exchange."

The goal, they write, is to "better support authors and readers, attract and generate more consequential content, reach a broader and more diverse audience, and, ultimately, propel positive action that tangibly improves global cardiovascular health."