ABMS Announces Open Comment Period Around New Board of Cardiovascular Medicine

Efforts by the ACC, the American Heart Association, the Heart Failure Society of America, the Heart Rhythm Society and The Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions to create a new, independent Board of Cardiovascular Medicine under the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) are closer to becoming a reality with an announcement by the ABMS Advisory Board on Specialty Board Development of an open comment period.

The 90-day open comment period announced by ABMS on April 24 is a critical part of the application review process and a vital cornerstone for stakeholder engagement in the decision-making process. Running through July 24, the comment period provides an opportunity for cardiologists, other clinicians, patients, the public and other stakeholders to share their feedback and support for a new approach to continuous learning and competency-based certification that ultimately optimizes cardiovascular patient care and outcomes.

"The open comment period is the time for cardiovascular physicians, allies in other medical specialties, patients, and others to make their voices heard on why an independent CV Board is the best path for cardiologists to stay up-to-date on best practices and evidence-based care, ensuring patients receive the best possible care," said Jeffrey Kuvin, MD, president of the proposed Board's new Board of Directors. "The field of cardiovascular medicine has evolved dramatically over the past few decades; now is the right time to develop an independent cardiovascular Board."

In addition to the comment period, the first 10 directors of the prospective Board have been selected, with an additional five directors soon to be named. As leaders in their respective fields, the Board of Directors will be instrumental in ushering the new Board through the application process and overseeing pre-launch projects in anticipation of Board approval.

The initial Directors include:

  • Mark H. Drazner, MD (Treasurer)
  • Peter L. Duffy, MD
  • David P. Faxon, MD
  • Edward T. A. Fry, MD
  • Judith S. Hochman, MD
  • Jodie L. Hurwitz, MD (Secretary)
  • Michelle Maya Kittleson, MD
  • Daniel M. Kolansky, MD
  • Jeffrey T. Kuvin, MD (President)
  • Gregory F. Michaud, MD

Visit CVBoard.org to submit comments and/or learn more about the proposed new Board. In addition, a joint society Leadership Page on the importance of the new Board can found in JACC, here.

Keywords: Leadership, Stakeholder Participation, Specialty Boards, Patient Care

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