From JACC: Aortic Valve Calcium and the Long-Term Risk of Incident Severe AS

Aortic valve disease is often identified too late before clinicans can provide meaningful prevention. Identifying aortic valve calcium opens the door for potential prevention of progression: a phenotype researchers could build randomized controlled trials around.

In this interview, Richard A. Chazal MD, MACC and Michael J. Blaha, MD, MPH discuss Prevalence of Aortic Valve Calcium and the Long-Term Risk of Incident Severe Aortic Stenosis.

Related References:

  1. Marrero, N., Razavi, A. C., Boakye, E., Anchouche, K., Dardari, Z., Dzaye, O., Jha, K., Budoff, M. J., Tsai, M. Y., Rotter, J. I., Blumenthal, R. S., Thanassoulis, G., Post, W. S., Blaha, M. J., & Whelton, S. P. (2023). Association of Inflammation and Lipoprotein(a) With Aortic Valve Calcification. JACC. Cardiovascular imaging, 16(9), 1230–1232.
  2. Dzaye, O., Whelton, S. P., & Blaha, M. J. (2019). Aortic valve calcium scoring on cardiac computed tomography: Ready for clinical use?. Journal of cardiovascular computed tomography, 13(6), 297–298.


Clinical Topics: Valvular Heart Disease, Invasive Cardiovascular Angiography and Intervention, Noninvasive Imaging

Keywords: ACCELLite, Aortic Valve Stenosis