Call For Applications: CardioSmart Editor

Call for Applications

The ACC is accepting applications for the next CardioSmart Editor. The new editor's term will begin May 2025 and end July 2028.*  The deadline for applications is Friday, Nov. 1.

Over the past 10 years, the role of the patient as part of the cardiovascular care team has been recognized within the ACC and in cardiovascular medicine more broadly. ACC's Core Value of patient-centeredness includes the following tenets:

  • Advocate on behalf of the cardiovascular patient population in promotion of the public good.
  • Practice organizational altruism – the safety and needs of cardiovascular patients are central to everything we do.
  • Support and educate patients and clinicians in the practice of shared decision-making.
  • Encourage the patient as part of the care team.

ACC's primary channel to support the partnership between clinicians and patients is CardioSmart, where clinicians can find patient engagement materials such as decision aids, infographics and fact sheets to help patients take an active role in their care.

The CardioSmart Editor will be primarily responsible for advising patient voice programs and ensuring clinical accuracy of CardioSmart-branded content through the management of the CardioSmart/Patient Voice Editorial Board. The Editor will contribute to enhancing and expanding the methods CardioSmart uses to engage patients in their care, including shared decision-making. The Editor will also serve as an ex-officio member of ACC's Solution Set Oversight Committee.**

CardioSmart Editor Responsibilities:

  • Collaborate with ACC's CardioSmart/Patient Voice staff team on ways to engage clinicians in shared decision-making and patient education.
  • Champion CardioSmart educational content and lead the CardioSmart/Patient Voice Editorial Board.
  • Lead one in-person (ACC Annual Scientific Session) and one virtual meeting with the CardioSmart/Patient Voice Editorial Board and ACC staff team each year.
  • Play an active role in patient recruitment for industry-sponsored projects, content review and patient forums.
  • Attend weekly calls with the ACC staff team as needed.

CardioSmart Editor Qualifications:

  • Member of the ACC.
  • An understanding of how patients and consumers learn and apply medical information.
  • Experience with implementation and dissemination of clinical content.
  • Experience with quality improvement programs activating patients.
  • Broad knowledge of cardiovascular medicine.
  • Experience in all aspects of general cardiovascular and primary care.
  • Familiarity with the digital health environment.
  • Experience with social media.
  • Evidence of prior work in diversity and inclusion, both focused on the patient voice and underrepresented groups in cardiology.

Information and Application Deadlines:

  • The CardioSmart Editor term is three years and will run from Aug. 1, 2025, through July 31, 2028.
  • *The selected candidate will serve as Editor-Elect for three months from May 1, 2025, through July 31, 2025. During the initial three months of tenure, the editor-elect will be able to learn from the incumbent editor to ensure a smooth transition.
  • To apply, please submit a curriculum vitae or resume and cover letter (300-500 words) describing your interest in the program, qualifications for the position, and a brief statement of your vision for CardioSmart.
  • Address cover letters to Nicole M. Bhave, MD, FACC, ACC's Solution Set Oversight Committee Chair and email to Arielle Stephen (
  • Deadline for submission of applications is Friday, Nov. 1.

**About ACC's Solution Set Oversight Committee
The ACC Solution Set Oversight Committee (SSOC) is charged with executing the Science and Quality Committee's vision of developing solution sets. Solutions sets are groups of closely related activities, policy, mobile applications, decision support, and other tools necessary to transform care and/or improve heart health. The SSOC accomplishes its change by determining what is needed to create and enhance solution sets in a given topic and through appointing content development groups, which are responsible for creating the content.