JACC to Serve Cardiovascular Community, Shape Future Under New Editor

Editor-in-Chief Dr. Harlan Krumholz outlines vision for new era of JACC

Contact: Olivia Walther, owalther@acc.org,

WASHINGTON (Jun 24, 2024) -

The first issue of JACC, the flagship journal of the American College of Cardiology, under new Editor-in-Chief Harlan M. Krumholz, MD, SM, FACC, publishes today, ushering in a new era of one of the world’s leading scholarly journals.

“I envision JACC, with all its strengths, as a transformative platform for building community, elevating strong science, influencing clinical practice, supporting career development, and improving patient outcomes.” Krumholz said in his Editor’s Page. “JACC and its group of journals can play a pivotal role in serving our community and shaping the future.”

Under his editorship, JACC will be guided by its mission to publish high-quality clinically actionable science that advances cardiovascular health through an approach that emphasizes author-centricity, strategic partnerships and impact.

“We are chasing impact, not impact factor,” Krumholz said. “Our North Star will always be patients and the public, seeking benefits for them, consistent with the ACC mission and aligned with the ACC vision.”

JACC is embracing an author-centric approach that encourages submission of the best science through a rapid and fair evaluation process. Manuscripts will be reviewed quickly, and authors will know the decision before they have to proceed with formatting and revisions, greatly reducing requirements for authors and establishing a partnership with editors, reviewers, and authors.

Partnerships with other leading journals and organizations are being established to create new submission pathways and coordinate editorial processes across journals. JACC recently announced a collaboration with The Lancet to share resources and expertise in publishing cardiovascular health research. JACC is also integrating with JACC: Clinical Electrophysiology to leverage that team's deep expertise and collaborating with JACC: Case Reports to highlight case studies and show commitment to frontline clinicians.

Through working more closely with authors and through collaborations, JACC wants to make an impact by ensuring its content makes a difference in the world.

“We recognize our deep responsibility to the cardiovascular community and seek to be worthy of our community’s trust,” Krumholz said. “Together, we can ensure medicine’s next chapter is the best yet, with ever-greater tangible benefits for patients and the public.”

Papers in the issue include:

  • “Lessons for Cardiovascular Clinical Investigators: the Tumultuous 2500-Year Journey of Physicians Who Ignited Our Fire” – A history of major advances in medicine that were launched as a result of unconventional thinking by rebellious individuals.
  • “Transforming Cardiovascular Care with Artificial Intelligence: From Discovery to Practice: JACC State-of-the-Art Review” – A summary of how technology powered by AI is defining new frontiers in cardiovascular care.
  • “The FDA and the Cardiovascular Community,” – A commentary from Haider J. Warraich, MD, Food and Drug Administration senior advisor for chronic disease, and FDA Commissioner Robert M. Califf, MD, on which areas of focused collaboration between the FDA and cardiovascular community could lead to better CV health for individuals and the public.

To receive an embargoed copy of these or other JACC papers, contact Olivia Walther, owalther@acc.org.

To learn more about JACC, visit www.JACC.org/.

The American College of Cardiology (ACC) is the global leader in transforming cardiovascular care and improving heart health for all. As the preeminent source of professional medical education for the entire cardiovascular care team since 1949, ACC credentials cardiovascular professionals in over 140 countries who meet stringent qualifications and leads in the formation of health policy, standards and guidelines. Through its world-renowned family of JACC Journals, NCDR registries, ACC Accreditation Services, global network of Member Sections, CardioSmart patient resources and more, the College is committed to ensuring a world where science, knowledge and innovation optimize patient care and outcomes. Learn more at www.ACC.org or follow @ACCinTouch.

The ACC’s JACC Journals rank among the top cardiovascular journals in the world for scientific impact. The flagship journal, the Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) — and specialty journals consisting of JACC: Advances, JACC: Asia, JACC: Basic to Translational Science, JACC: CardioOncology, JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging, JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions, JACC: Case Reports, JACC: Clinical Electrophysiology and JACC: Heart Failure — pride themselves on publishing the top peer-reviewed research on all aspects of cardiovascular disease. Learn more at JACC.org.


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