B. Hadley Wilson, MD, FACC, Elected Chair of ACC Board of Governors
Wilson will also serve as secretary of the Board of Trustees
Contact: Katie Glenn, kglenn@acc.org, 202-375-6472
WASHINGTON (Mar 19, 2017) -
B. Hadley Wilson, MD, FACC, has been elected chair of the American College of Cardiology Board of Governors and secretary of the Board of Trustees, the main governing body of the ACC, for 2017-2018. His term begins today as the ACC's 66th Annual Scientific Session comes to a close in Washington.
Wilson will lead the 66 chapter governors representing all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Canada, Mexico and the U.S. Uniformed Services. The Board is the grassroots governing body of the College.
"This year will be the peak of my time with the ACC thus far, so I want to use every day to be the best communicator and connector between the governors and members and the leadership, trustees, staff and every other section of the ACC," Wilson said. "The ACC and the Board of Governors is unique among other professional medical associations in that we have the size and power of the members directly connected with leadership and governance. I want to ensure that our voice is heard to keep the ACC relevant, rewarding and respectful to our patients and our professionals. It is a profound honor and privilege to serve the ACC and our members in this capacity."
After completing his cardiology fellowship, Wilson joined Sanger Heart and Vascular Institute in Charlotte, North Carolina as an interventional cardiologist where he was director of the cath lab and chief of cardiology for over 15 years. He currently serves as the chief interventional cardiologist for the ACC/AHA National STEMI Accelerator I and II programs covering over 30 million lives. Wilson has led numerous medical missions to Haiti and Latin America and since 2012 has traveled to Belize to help establish the country's only national percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) program.
Wilson has been an active member of the ACC over the entire course of his career. For the last five years, he has been a program director of the ACC North Carolina/South Carolina Chapter annual meeting, which has grown into one of the largest combined state meetings. Wilson currently is the outgoing governor of the ACC's North Carolina chapter, and his efforts with the state legislature on population health led to his appointment to the Justus-Warren Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Task Force. He also currently serves on the ACC Membership Committee and the National Cardiovascular Data Registry Management Board.
Wilson graduated with honors from Davidson College and Duke University Medical School and completed his residency and fellowship at Vanderbilt University.
Other officers for the ACC for 2017-2018 are President Mary Norine Walsh, MD, FACC; Vice President C. Michael Valentine, MD, FACC, and Treasurer Robert A. Guyton, MD, FACC.
The American College of Cardiology is a 52,000-member medical society that is the professional home for the entire cardiovascular care team. The mission of the College is to transform cardiovascular care and to improve heart health. The ACC leads in the formation of health policy, standards and guidelines. The College operates national registries to measure and improve care, offers cardiovascular accreditation to hospitals and institutions, provides professional medical education, disseminates cardiovascular research and bestows credentials upon cardiovascular specialists who meet stringent qualifications. For more, visit acc.org.