A New Year for the Congenital Heart Disease and Pediatric Cardiology Clinical Topic Collection

We are now embarking on our third year for the Congenital Heart Disease and Pediatric Cardiology Clinical Topic Collection. We hope to continue to be the professional home for the entire congenital and pediatric cardiology cardiovascular team as we curate up-to-date digital content relevant to clinical practice. This past year, we strove to cover topics that provided practical clinical guidance for patient care, trainee education, and quality improvement.

We have discussed the emergence of global problems and how we can make a difference. We have included topics that affect the everyday practice of our subspecialty, highlighting conundrums and management dilemmas. Journal Scans have been thoughtfully selected based on the ACC.org's Editorial Board's review of the tables of contents of leading publications to summarize the "Latest in Cardiology." Our site also highlights the hard work of the various workgroups of the Adult Congenital and Pediatric Cardiology Council as we reach out to our primary care colleagues in our quest to improve the outcomes of our mutual patients.

Last year, we rolled out opportunities for members to earn credit when participating in certified patient cases. In 2018, we hope to work with the American Board of Pediatrics to enable ACC members to earn MOC credit with periodic questions. We want this to be a robust and relevant offering, and Dr. Tim Feltes and the ACPC Leadership Council are in the beginning stages of identifying key leaders who will oversee this worthwhile endeavor. Also new this year will be our ability to conduct "public opinion" polls to survey your views regarding a particular topic. Please be on the lookout for these new and exciting things to come.

We are proud that many have volunteered content published as Patient Case Quizzes. Please contact Beverly Vandenburg at bvandenburg@acc.org to propose topics for discussion, submit interesting cases for digital publication, or to propose issues for future polls.

We are honored to be the voice of the digital home of the ACPC section and to serve the needs of its growing membership. On behalf of Tim Feltes, MD, FACC, Chair of the ACPC Council, and Ami B. Bhatt, MD, FACC and Robert "Jake" D.B., Jaquiss, MD, FACC, Associate Editorial Team Leads of the Congenital Heart Disease and Pediatric Cardiology Clinical Topic Collection, we are grateful for your continued interest. Looking forward to a fruitful new year ahead!

Clinical Topics: Congenital Heart Disease and Pediatric Cardiology, Congenital Heart Disease

Keywords: Heart Defects, Congenital, Pediatrics, Patient Care

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