Cardiology has been a field of early adoption of technology for many years with the goal of improving patient experience and outcomes. Cardiologists are increasingly interested in exploring digital devices and wearable technology for remotely following chronic cardiovascular diseases such as heart failure, coronary artery disease, vascular disease, and atrial fibrillation.

COVID-19 highlighted the need to limit in-person office visits in order to reduce viral exposure stimulating innovative strategies for evaluating patients through telemedicine increased exponentially in 2020. Along with the development of wearable and other digital devices that examine and assess patients from outside traditional clinical settings, sophisticated computer platforms allowing real-time measurement of data trends have increased dramatically. These data, collected away from a clinic or hospital, are considered forms of remote patient management (RPM).

Download Workbook

The ACC has created the Remote Patient Management Workbook to guide cardiovascular health care professionals on definition, types, clinical uses, benefits, and limitations of RPM.

Clinical practices can use this workbook to determine if they are ready for RPM utilization. In addition, the workbook provides guidance on how to establish an RPM program addressing key considerations before initiating the program, such as: conditions that can be monitored, what devices to choose, staffing needs, the role of artificial intelligence in remote monitoring, and reimbursement for RPM.